May 03, 2024

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Seventy-five leaders of national Christian organizations and prominent churches have sent a statement to the White House and Congress calling for greater action on _____.

Racism and poverty The war in Ukraine Space exploration

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A group of Arizona religious leaders and activists is taking the state to court, arguing authorities violated protesters’ religious rights by arresting them during a ______ demonstration in November.

An anti-abortion A pro-Palestinian A "Pray for America"

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The Nonprofit Group SOAR is trying to break cultural and religious stigmas around domestic violence in the ______ diaspora community in the United States, roughly half of whom report experiencing domestic violence at some point in their lives.

Lebanese African South Asian

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Which major US Christian denomination recently removed a ban on ordination for gay clergy members that dated to 1984?

The Southern Baptist Convention The United Methodists The Assemblies of God

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Why have Vatican officials recently been meeting privately with Silicon Valley execs?

To discuss the future of AI They're collaborating on an interactive online bible project For help digitizing the Vatican archives

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A Pentecostal megachurch in _____ is drawing attention for events including men's conference featuring a monster truck rally and "Holy Spirit Barbie Party" for women.

Missouri Arkansas Oklahoma

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Hinglaj Yatra, the largest Hindu festival in _____, kicked off in Hingol National Park last Friday.

India Pakistan Bangladesh

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What major global art event did Pope Francis recently travel to?

The Venice Biennale Miami Art Basel The Whitney Biennial

Last but not least...

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