July 27, 2024

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Sen. Blumenthal’s ___ act was advanced by the U.S. Senate on Thursday.

Consumer protection Kids online safety Transit workers rights Clean energy transition

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___ is expanding to CT’s Bradley airport following years of lobbying.

Avelo Airlines FedEx Express Bradley's Bagels Cargolux Airlines

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CT Rep. ___ is relinquishing the Democratic nomination and will not seek reelection to a sixth term.

Robin Comey Lucy Dathan Jay Case Jeff Currey

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On an economic development mission to Germany last week, Gov. Lamont touted CT as a (an) “___.”

Cradle of creativity Pinnacle of progress Island of stability Beacon of bratwurst

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Israeli Prime Minister ___ traveled to D.C. Wednesday to speak at the late U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman’s memorial service.

Charlot Salwai Benjamin Netanyahu Justin Trudeau Gal Gadot

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CT had the nation’s highest jump in ___ from 2012 to 2022.

Bicycle commuting rates Healthcare enrollment Alcohol-related deaths Student loan defaults

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CT’s rainy day fund is projected to approach ___, seven years after it held about 1/20th of that.

$340 million $856 million $2.8 billion $4.1 billion

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Gov. Lamont is exploring the possibility of returning the state’s Medicaid program to a model known as “___.”

Managed care Block grant Outcome-based reimbursement Fee-for-service

Last but not least...

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